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  1. 取消旅遊行程。

  2. 會議改為線上進行。進行方式,將以現有網站作為平台(現已累積相當觀看人次),提供論文發表者結合『預錄論文發表影片』,與由主持人主持的『即時線上討論』(google meet)的論文發表與討論模式。一方面可以保留成果、並減少線上發表不順暢造成的延誤,一方面也可以顧及即時的互動與溝通,以盡力彌補疫情帶來的衝擊。線上進行時間,將盡量貼緊原先議程


感謝您對研討會的支持,在嚴峻的疫情下,我們希望您還是能夠持續支持研討會,與我們共同完成綠的異想。 『預錄論文發表影片』與『即時線上討論』操作細節,我們將於一週內,透過電郵轉寄給您







Subject: Reimagining Green Conference has now turned into an online mode


Dear Presenters,


In response to the further rise of the pandemic, the conference organizers and the CLAROC association have come to an agreement about the following matters.


  1. The green trip on June 6 will be cancelled.

  2. The conference will be conducted online, with each presenter’s pre-recorded 20-minute video posted online before the conference day, and live Q&A session taking place online, under each room chair’s moderation, at the last 20 minutes of each session according to the original program already posted on the website ( In response to this new policy, each presenter will have to submit the pre-recorded 20-minute video to the assigned destination online by May 31, so that the conference organizers can post the film on the website for all viewers before June 5. The instruction for making the video and the assigned destination for the submission of the video will be sent to you via email in one week.

We also remind you to cancel all the bookings you have made for coming to this conference.


We apologize for all the inconveniences we make, but please understand that we have tried our best to render you a decent presentation platform. We hope you can still stay with us, dedicating to the conference theme, and undergo the pandemic safely.


Best wishes,


The Organizing office of the Reimagining Green Conference

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