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  1. 進入會議室,須使用Google帳號/gmail電郵。

  2. 請提早於會議開始前15分鐘進入會議室。為維持會場秩序,會議進行5分鐘後,將不開放進入。

  3. 每一會議室最大容納量為100人。為順利進入會議室,請您盡早登入。

  4. 簽到表之連結,將於該場次結束時出現於會議室右上角留言處,並於十五分鐘內關閉。

  5. 進入會議室後,麥克風請先設為關閉狀態,以避免對話混亂的情況。但與會者若欲發言,可先按右下角舉手鈕,或打字示意,在得到主持人的許可後,再開啟麥克風。如未得到主持人同意,請不要自行開啟麥克風。

  6. 若有搶麥克風的情況,管理員可逕行關閉麥克風,以維護會場秩序。


Rules for Participating the Online Seminar

  1. Please use your Google account or gmail to log in.

  2. Please log in each seminar room 15 minutes before the starting of each session. To ensure each seminar proceed smoothly, the manager will not allow any late admittance 5 minutes after the beginning of each session.

  3. The maximum accommodation for each seminar room is 100 persons. To enter each session successfully, each participant is advised to log in the seminar room as early as possible.

  4. The link for the Sign-in System will be posted in the seminar room at the end of each session, and it will be closed after 15 minutes.

  5. Please mute your microphone unless you are asked by the room chair to speak. To let the chair know you want to speak, you can click the hand sign on the lower right corner.

  6. The room manager can mute a participant’s microphone if necessary.

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